This is RBS Random Blog Site!
Welcome if you want to leave a comment or if your part of air rivals and want to ad somthing to air rivals post or have a new spot that pepole would like on the blog feel free to send a messige that you can send from the comment page

I’ll get all the info I can find. So happy reading!

Kingdom Heart's your thing?

 If you’re a Kingdom Heart’s fan and want to know more abut it go to my pal’s site he dose this him self and he does good on it to but it cover’s the story more then a game guide sorry gammer’s  so for a full like story and other thing’s visit the Organization VII Blog

The Legend Continuse

Have a look at one of the beast game’s that ever hit the shelves you know it as Legend of Zelda the same pal of mine that does Kingdom Hearts Organization VII Blog does this to he had a idea of doing it and talked to me abut it one day so I thought why not show it to all who come that’s if you like the game and series but it’s just like that other blog so what are you waiting for jump on in! but not head first it’s not a diving pool safety first people


All of us Pikmin fan's love these little guy's and i want more Pikmin game's to come out. Pikmin 1 was the 30 day challenge and Pikmin 2 was the tag team that made the game play more fun! The puzzle's, strategy, two player game's and all those cute Pikmin that would devastat all the bug's in their path many player's wanted a Pikmin 3 to come out but instead we got Pikmin 1 for Wii, but sill that's a good thing and SSBB (Super Smash Bros Brawl) was another start for them as well but because brawl call's for fairness we couldn’t have 100 Pikmin on the field so they cut it down to six for the safety of the player's. I mean no one wants to take on 100 Pikmin on their own it's suicide. Anyways Pikmin is a good game to play but not every one agrees.

NOTE: Some content here may belong to other people such as photo's, videos and so forth, I will attempt to give credit to them if I know who they are. If you see something that you believe is yours, feel free to contact me and I’ll either remove it or give you credit depending on your preference. Thank you for reading this.